Spring Break March 19 - April 27: Rides Running Wed-Fri 11am-2pm, Sat-Sun 11am-4pm.

Disability access

Service animals

The zoo permits service animals - as defined by the American with Disabilities Act - to enter the zoo with visitors who require them due to a disability.

Visitors coming to the zoo with service animals must:

  • Inform staff at the ticket booth that they will be entering with a service animal
  • Keep service animal from entering Colors of the Amazon aviary, Goat Interaction Yard, or Flight: A Live Butterfly Experience (open seasonally)
  • Ensure correct service animal behavior at all times or leave the zoo with the animal

Learn about service animals in public places.

Mobility devices

Treetops Toys Gift Shop rents the following mobility devices:

  • Wheelchairs: $9.95
  • Electric scooters: $25.95

Sensory bags

Check out a sensory bag from the ticket booth (subject to availability).

Deposit fee of $15 is fully refundable when bag is returned complete, in good condition, and on time.

Items in each bag may include:

  • noise-canceling headphones
  • molded plastic animals
  • biofacts
  • communication cards
  • sensory items

Social narrative

The social narrative can teach you what to expect when visiting the Zoo, and help you plan your visit.

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