Spring Break March 19 - April 27: Rides Running Wed-Fri 11am-2pm, Sat-Sun 11am-4pm.

Request charity guest passes

Charities and nonprofits can request 1 free guest pass for the Zoo. Guest passes can be used in silent auctions or other events to help you raise money for your organization.

These passes are donated by the Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo.

Need to know

  • Free
  • You can only request 1 pass
  • Send your request at least 2 months before your event

Before you start

You will need to make your request by mail using your organization's letterhead. You'll also need to provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request.


  1. Write your request on your organization's letterhead.
  2. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for us to return the pass in.
  3. Mail your request and envelope to:
    Friends of Santa Ana Zoo
    1801 East Chestnut Ave.
    Santa Ana, CA 92701

What's next

1 pass is valid for up to 4 free admissions to the Zoo ($52 value). There are no age restrictions for using the pass. Partial uses are not refundable.

Get help

Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo
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